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Frank Ficarra


As a child I always looked up to my Grandfather Frank Ficarra and all of his friends he lifted with during the silver era of bodybuilding. Listening to my Grandfather speak about guys he knew like John Grimek captivated my young mind! I always wanted to be like my Grandpa Frank

The men of this era had a class and style they presented themselves with that cannot be bought or better by a designer brand. No, this one of one style is a brand that only the creator can claim. 

When a man or woman of perfect stature walks in the room you can’t help but distinguish them as special and different from everyone else…We all have the ability to distinguish ourselves. I learned that young but it would take me years to come to realize the effort and determination it takes to create yourself into the best version of yourself you can be. For me, the catalyst what a car accident and a series of traumatic tragedies that would force me into the gym out of necessity. Primarily to rehabilitate my back from a spinal injury although I discovered the invisible glory of going to the gym by what it did for my mental health and my spiritual wellbeing. During the course of my rehabilitation I caught a glimpse of myself and who I could really be if I continued to put for the effort I needed to become healthy again.

That image of self that I caught a glimpse at is what inspires me to keep going to the gym and I have since adopted this as my lifestyle because it quite literally saved my life. I never want anyone to feel so helpless and broken as I felt. We are meant to be more as we seek to reach the ultimate heights of life while we have time in this body to do so. I believe in order to live life on your own terms you must first be able to stand tall and be proud of the capable man or woman you are- but in order to do so it will require a Strong Philosophy.

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"I always wanted to be like my Grandpa Frank"

- Kemper Woodruff -

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